OLH Preschool is a faith-based program that strives to educate all students according to their needs. As a fully licensed childcare program by the State of Michigan, we provide a balanced program that encompasses a combination of teacher-directed and child-directed activities through indoor and outdoor experiences.
What We Believe
We believe:
- Preschool should be a learning environment where all children feel safe and are introduced to school readiness skills in fun and interesting ways.
- Parents play an essential role in a child’s success.
- Children will become life-long learners when learning about their world through positive, nurturing and loving interactions in all learning situations.
The goals of this preschool program are:
- Begin to install Christian values
- Encourage cooperation and consideration of others
- Develop problem solving skills, enabling children to make positive choices
- Nurture a sense of independence and responsibility
- Encourage and promote self-help skills
- Promote skills of observation, listening and questioning
- Inspire socialization, creativity, discovery, imagination, learning and exploration through play
- Develop a love for school, learning and books
Fees, Hours and Information
Pre-registration is required, and enrollment is limited to 20 students.
Registration Fee: $200
- This fee is non-refundable
- This fee reserves your child’s place in the program
- Assists in paying for supplies and snacks for the year
- Due before the first day of school
Preschool Tuition: $3200/school year
- Payable in monthly increments if desired
- 10-month schedule will begin in August $320/month
- 9-month schedule will begin in September $355.56/month
Extended Care: (Optional)
- If your child requires care outside of the preschool hours, you may register your child for extended care.
- Pre-registration is required
- Hours for extended care are 7am-8am and 3pm -5:30pm.
- Extended care fee is $12/day/child
- $12 rate includes before and after school care
- Extended Care is closed when there is no school at Clare Public Schools.
Handbook and Registration Materials