Adult Faith Formation
Please Join Us
We are all shaped by a story. the choices we make, the way we live, the things we believe-the way we see life itself-are the result of the stories that we have accepted as truthful accounts of reality.
Our modern world presents the story that we are personally liberated, no longer connected to anything beyond ourselves, free to do whatever we like. And we have never been more unhappy.
The Rescue Project proposes a simple question: What if there’s a different story – a story that engages people to answer the deepest cries of the human heart?
Together we can discover “The Story”.
MEAL – EPISODE – DISCUSSION All Adults and Teens are welcome!

Children/Youth Faith Formation

Welcome to Our Lady of Hope Family Faith Formation
We are so happy you are joining us in our new Family Faith Formation gatherings. We know that nothing and no one can replace the influence and example of parents and grandparents to the spiritual life of a child. Our Family Faith Formation classes embrace this and help us grow in faith together.
Family faith Formation sessions begin on September 15th, (including parents). Each session will take place during the 9:30AM Mass until 11:30AM.
Register by clicking the button below! If you have questions, please contact us at
The Order of Chirstian Initiation of Adults OCIA (FORMERLY RCIA)
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the process for adults who desire to join the Catholic faith and for those seeking more information on the Catholic Church. OCIA/RCIA can also be a method for Catholics to complete their reception of the initiation sacraments.
- Non-baptized adults who wish to be initiated as a Christian in the tradition of the Catholic Church
- Baptized Non-Catholic Christians who desire full communion with the Catholic Church
- Baptized Catholics who have not received religious education, Confirmation or First Eucharist
The OCIA process begins in mid-September and continues through the celebration of the Easter season the following year. This is a weekly, personal commitment of prayer and study over approximately 9 months.
OCIA begins with weekly sessions and is organized in the following stages:
First: Pre-Catechumenate (Inquiry)
This is a “come and see” (John 1:39) time – a time for questions, finding out more about the Catholic Church, its faith and traditions, all centered on our Lord, Jesus Christ. There is no commitment to becoming Catholic during this time.
Second: Catechumenate
After the Pre-Catechumenate, those who a committed to continuing after their initial inquiry are formally welcomed within the community and begin a period of learning more about our Lord Jesus through the scriptures, the Catholic Church, the Mass, the Sacraments, and daily living as a Catholic.
Third: Purification and Enlightenment
This period begins during Lent (the forty-day period prior to Easter) and ends at Palm Sunday (the Sunday before Easter). During Lent, the Church calls those who are ready to make their final preparation for initiation into the Catholic Church through Baptism and/or reception of Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist. This is a time of more intense spiritual preparation.
The parish community joins the candidates on the Lenten Journey-which helps to strengthen what is good within all of us and remove all that is harmful or sinful in our lives.
Fourth: Sacraments of Initiation
At the Ester Vigil, the Saturday evening before Easter morning, the candidates will be baptized or received into the church, receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and the Eucharist for the first time.
Fifth: Mystagogia
This is the period after Easter that completes the initiation journey. It is a time of unfolding the meaning of the Sacraments of Initiation received at Easter. It is also a special time for new Catholics to become more at home in our parish community.
Call the parish office at 989-386-9862 or Monsignor Koper at 248-891-2435.