What does the Exaltation of the Cross mean?

The Exaltation of the Cross honors Christ’s Cross, an instrument made sacred by the Lord’s offering of Himself upon it for our salvation. It is celebrated in both Catholicism and Orthodoxy on September 14.



We all know what a cross is, what THE Cross is, and yet its very familiarity can obscure the profound meaning because we have never actually seen a cross in its original use: as a terrible instrument of torturous execution used by a cruel and barbaric “government” to control people and maintain power. People – many people – died horribly and publicly throughout the Roman Empire on crosses so that others would get the message to “stay in line” and not go against the system. Nothing to “exalt” there. 

Coming Up


1    22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 

3    Saint Gregory the Great,
      Pope and Doctor of the Church 

8    23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

9    Saint Peter Claver, Priest 

13  Saint John Chrysostom,
      Bishop and Doctor of the Church 

14  The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

15  24th Sunday in Ordinary Time


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