The ministry of Altar Server, like all ministries, arises from our Baptism and is rooted in service. Servers minister to the worshipping assembly specifically by assisting the presiding celebrant, especially at the chair and altar during Mass or other liturgies.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are acolytes (referring to someone in the seminary) or lay persons who have been deputed by the bishop for the purpose of assisting with the distribution of Holy Communion. (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, GIRM #162) In every celebration of the Eucharist, there should… Read More >
Ministers of hospitality comprise the duties of greeter and usher. Ministers of Hospitality make people feel welcome and help them to locate what they need. Jesus enjoyed meeting and eating with strangers, sinners, and friends who became his followers. He accepted those who were often rejected by others. He did… Read More >
Lectors are members of the faithful called forth to publicly proclaim the Word of God. Men and women are entrusted with the responsibility of Proclaiming the Sacred scriptures to the Christian assembly. Lectors are ordinary people performing an extraordinary ministry; publicly proclaiming the Word of God.
As a ministry in service to the worshiping community, the sacristan, like all other lay liturgical ministers, serves, as a result of their baptismal call, to provide hospitality and welcome to all who assemble to give praise and glory to God.