Father’s Day
Father’s Day
  “Man, who by sin voluntarily left his Father’s house, realizes what he lost and gradually makes the decisive step of coming to himself: ‘I will arise and go to my Father’ (Lk 15:18). The certainty that God ‘is good and loves me’ is stronger than shame and discouragement: it…
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Fathers Day
Fathers Day
  “Man, who by sin voluntarily left his Father’s house, realizes what he lost and gradually makes the decisive step of coming to himself: ‘I will arise and go to my Father’ (Lk 15:18). The certainty that God ‘is good and loves me’ is stronger than shame and discouragement: it…
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Fathers Day
Fathers Day
  “Man, who by sin voluntarily left his Father’s house, realizes what he lost and gradually makes the decisive step of coming to himself: ‘I will arise and go to my Father’ (Lk 15:18). The certainty that God ‘is good and loves me’ is stronger than shame and discouragement: it…
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Introducing Evangelus
Introducing Evangelus
The Easiest Way toMessage More People Reach your parishioners through email, text, app, social media, and websites with the only Catholic communication tool that makes it easy: Evangelus. Click Here
Sunday Mass
Sunday Mass
  “Man, who by sin voluntarily left his Father’s house, realizes what he lost and gradually makes the decisive step of coming to himself: ‘I will arise and go to my Father’ (Lk 15:18). The certainty that God ‘is good and loves me’ is stronger than shame and discouragement: it…
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Memorial Day
Memorial Day
Memorial Day honors all who lost their lives defending their country. We pray for the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives to protect the United States and keep us safe.   “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy gave…
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